
The administration is available at the /admin url, or on the demo deployed at You may login using the demo credentials admin:admin.

There’s two items available:

  • Requests: the list of all requests (manual and through the API)
  • Providers: where the configuration of new (or existing) providers is done

Providers configuration

The link displays the list of current providers. It’s possible to search a provider by its name using the top search bar.

Adding or modifying a provider is as simple as clicking on the “Add provider” button in the top-right corner, or on the name of an existing provider.

  • Name: purely informal
  • Link template: template used to build the canonical link from the video id. It should contain the {{ video_id }} template tag where the video id should be replaced.
  • Embed template: template used to build the new embed code. The link built from the previous template will replace the {{ video_link }} tag.
  • Validation link template: used to validate that the video is still available (returns a HTTP status code less than 400).

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